Los apoderados legales del abogado panameño Ismael Gerli Champsaur, rechazaron los ataques y desmintieron las denuncias de supuesta estafa y fraude que han formulado durante las últimas semanas, la familia Kokorev Maleeva, detenida en España bajo cargos y acusaciones de blanqueo de capitales.
Rogelio Arosemena, abogado defensor de Gerli Champsaur, atribuyó los ataques y los señalamientos a una estrategia de intimidación para impedir que su cliente acuda a los tribunales españoles y declare en calidad de testigo dentro del proceso seguido a los Kokorev Maleeva.
Arosemena reveló que los esposos de origen rusos nacionalizados españoles Vladimir Kokorev y Julia Maleeva, fueron detenidos en septiembre de 2015 en Panamá y extraditados a España, para enfrentar un proceso por presunto blanqueo de $30 millones, al ser considerados como testaferros del presidente de la nación Guinea Ecuatorial.
Los periodistas han sido “tontos útiles” y se han prestado para que un grupo de abogados locales puedan “difundir” una serie de informaciones “falsas y sin pruebas” en contra de mi cliente Gerli Champsaur, que lo único que hizo fue prestar sus servicios profesionales a los esposos Kokorev.
El abogado indicó que su cliente apoyó sin condiciones a la familia Kokorev, cuando llegó al país e incluso les ofreció sus oficinas para que pudieran cumplir con los requisitos que exigían las autoridades para obtener la residencia. Sobre eso existe un contrato de compra-venta suscrito sobre el uso y alquiler de las oficinas de mi cliente.
El contrato lleva la firma de Gerli Champsaur y Vladimir Kokorev, y los dineros aportados por el extranjero le fueron devueltos en totalidad por mí cliente. “La familia Kokorev, es la que está morosa con Gerli Champsaur y puedo asegurar que hasta la fecha le adeudan un monto de $800 mil”, advirtió Arosemena.
“Cómo tendría mí cliente el poder para lograr la extracción de los Kokorev, y que le abran en España un proceso por blanqueo”, indicó el abogado al sostener que su cliente si fue requerido y testificó una vez ante las autoridades españolas y respondió lo que le preguntaron. Actualmente se le ha pedido nuevamente declarar y es por eso que quieren que no acuda”, señaló el abogado.
Arosemena calificó también de “falsos e infundados” los informes sobre que su cliente Gerli, supuestamente través de una de sus sociedades vendió la finca 68326, inscrita al documento 940914, con código de ubicación 1801, del PH Torre Global, ubicado en la Calle 50 al organismo Palm River Fundación por la suma de $305 mil.
Fuente: critica.com.pa
Hernan Batista Jurado, abogado de Jurado Attorneys & Consultants e hijo de María Elena Jurado Domínguez, abogada estrella de Igor Kokorev. Da la casualidad de que el abogado panameño, Hernan Batista Jurado reside «ilegalmente» en el apartamento 6205 del Trump Ocean Club (TOC) nº 6205 propiedad de Rio Lora Holding, cuyo accionista único es el abogado panameño y principal testigo de la justicia española, Ismael Gerli, según ha quedado acreditado por sentencia firme de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá. El hijo de Maria Elena Jurado podría ser el presunto enlace con los abogados que estaría utilizando Igor Kokorev para perseguir judicialmente a Ismael Gerli en los últimos 10 años. |
Kalunga Company S.A.
Legal Owner (LO):
Manager of CV:
Vladimir Kokorev, Julia Kokorev (spouses) and Igor Kokorev (Julia’s mother )
(Authorized signatories to control the accounts of Kalunga Company SA which was otherwise a shell)
Year of CV Incorporation / Formation:
CV same jurisdiction as Public Official?:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account :
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account – state/province:
Bank same jurisdiction as Public Official? :
Bank same jurisdiction as CV? :
CV Use / Role :
According to the report «Money Laundering and Foreign Corruption: Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Patriot Act- case study involving Riggs Bank.» from the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of July 15, 2004, Kalunga Wire Transfers. Over three and one-half years, from June 2000 to December 2003, sixteen wire transfers were sent from the E.G. oil account to Kulunga Company SA, an E.G. corporation, totaling over $26.5 million. These wire transfers included: June 7, 2000 $ 1,332,044.00 wire transfer Aug. 10, 2000 $ 1,110,000.00 wire transfer Sept. 5, 2000 $ 292,200.00 wire transfer Oct. 16, 2000 $ 1,362,500.00 wire transfer Jan. 30, 2001 $ 2,698,800.00 wire transfer April 10, 2001 $ 1,349,400.00 wire transfer May 9, 2001 $ 1,349,400.00 wire transfer May 7, 2002 $ 798,000.00 wire transfer June 26, 2002 $ 167,000.00 wire transfer Oct. 31, 2002 $ 336,934.57 wire transfer April 7, 2003 $ 7,425,000.00 wire transfer July 24, 2003 $ 770,567.00 wire transfer Sept. 3, 2003 $ 335,137.00 wire transfer Nov. 21, 2003 $ 4,800,000.00 wire transfer Dec. 11, 2003 $ 1,637,000.00 wire transfer Dec. 11, 2003 $ 720,000.00 wire transfer TOTAL: $26,483,982.57 All of these wire transfers were sent from Riggs to a Kalunga Company account at Banco Santander in Madrid, Spain These embezzled funds have been laundered at least through the acquisition of properties at various locations in Spain. From a comparison of the dates of purchase of properties by the signatories for the Oil Account at Riggs Bank and by other Equatorial Guinean personalities or citizens within their inner circle, with the dates on which the transfers were made to the account held by Kalunga Company at Banco Santander, it may be inferred that such funds were used to buy the following properties on Spanish territory: 1.- Property registered with the Land Registry of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria number one in the name of TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO (signatory for the Oil Account), President of Equatorial Guinea. Such property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on November 29, 2000, and it is a housing unit with a surface area of 90.87 square meters, located at calle Dolores de la Rocha SN, 4th floor, door C, CP 35001, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on October 16, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section; 2.- Property registered with the Land Registry of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria number one in the name of TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO (signatory for the Oil Account), President of Equatorial Guinea. Such property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on November 29, 2000, and it is a garage with a surface area of 14 square meters located at calle Eufemiano Jurado SN, 2nd floor, CP 35016, Finca Las Labradoras, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on October 16, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 3.- Property registered with Land Registry number two of Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, in the name of MARCELINO OWONO EDU, Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, CONSTANCIA NCHAMA ANGuE. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on October 3, 2003, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 184.25 square meters located at calle Almendros numero 11, CP 28864, Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on September 3, 2003, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 4.- Property registered with Land Registry number 5 of Gijon in the name of TEODORO BIYOGO NSUE, the brother-in-law of President Obiang, ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to Brazil and former ambassador to the United States of America and to the United Nations, and of his wife, ELENA MENSA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on May 15, 2001, and it is a single- family housing unit built on a plot with a surface area of 600 square meters, located in the development area called “Verdesol,” district of Fuejo, council of Gijon. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 5.- Property registered with Land Registry number 3 of Alcala de Henares, Madrid, in the name of PASTOR MICHA ONDO BILE, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophony, and of his wife, MAGDALENA AYANG. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on December 27, 2001, and it is a single-family housing unit with a built-on surface area of 255 square meters located at calle Alfaguara numero 27, planta CHA, door 180, Alcala de Henares. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 6.- Property registered with Land Registry number 4 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of GABRIEL NGUEMA LIMA (signatory for the Oil Account), former Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, the son of President Obiang, and, apparently, the current Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, VIRGINIA ESTHER MAYE MBA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 25, 2002, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 193 square meters located at Avenida Alcalde de Mostoles numero 27, 7th floor, door B. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 7, 2002, as shown in the table included in the preceding section; 7.- Property registered with Land Registry number 4 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of GABRIEL NGUEMA LIMA (signatory for the Oil Account), former Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, the son of President Obiang, and, apparently, the current Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, VIRGINIA ESTHER MAYE MBA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 25, 2002, and it is a garage located at Avenida Alcalde de Mostoles numero 27, basement, door 7. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 7, 2002, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 8.- Property registered with Land Registry number 16 of Madrid in the name of MIGUEL ABIA BITECO, former Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea, and of DOROTEA ANITA ROKA ELOBO, his wife. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 8, 2000, and it is a garage lot with a surface area of 32 square meters located at calle Vieja de Pinto numero 14, in the building called “Palomares,” basement, CP 28021, Madrid. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on June 7, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 9.- Property registered with Land Registry number 2 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of ATANASIO ELA NTUGU, former Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on July 30, 2001, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 89 square meters located at calle Montecarlo numero 3, left-hand staircase, 3rd floor, door B, Mostoles. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. By resorting to corruption mechanisms, the defendants have unlawfully diverted sums of money from Equatorial Guinea to accounts held at Riggs Bank in the United States of America and have subsequently transferred to Spain a part of such sums, which they have laundered into the legal circuit through the acquisition of certain properties in Spain.
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #2:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #2 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #2:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #3:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #3 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #3:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #4:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #4 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #4:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #5:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #5- state/province:
Case Control Number:
Bank Name, Account Name:
Banco Santander (Madrid)
Manager relationship to Public Official:
Frontman (Had lived in EG and long term acquaintances of Obiang)
Beneficial Owner (BO):
Actual legal form of CV Type per Jurisdiction:
Sociedad Anonima
BO relationship to Public Official:
CV established by: public official, professional intermediary, or frontman:
Tomado de lapagina de Lexis Nexis y Banco Mundial , LOS ROBOS DE IOGOR Y VLADIMIR KOKOREV . SEGUN REPORTA LEXIS NEXIS
Kalunga Company S.A.
Jurisdiction of CV Incorporation / Formation:
Jurisdiction of CV Incorporation / Formation (State / Province):
Corporate Vehicle Type:
Shell Entity?:
Legal Owner (LO):
LO relationship to Public Official:
Manager of CV:
Vladimir Kokorev, Julia Kokorev (spouses) and Igor Kokorev (Julia’s brother) (Authorized signatories to control the accounts of Kalunga Company SA which was otherwise a shell)
Year of CV Incorporation / Formation:
CV same jurisdiction as Public Official?:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account :
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account – state/province:
Bank same jurisdiction as Public Official? :
Bank same jurisdiction as CV? :
CV Use / Role :
According to the report «Money Laundering and Foreign Corruption: Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Patriot Act- case study involving Riggs Bank.» from the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of July 15, 2004, Kalunga Wire Transfers. Over three and one-half years, from June 2000 to December 2003, sixteen wire transfers were sent from the E.G. oil account to Kulunga Company SA, an E.G. corporation, totaling over $26.5 million. These wire transfers included: June 7, 2000 $ 1,332,044.00 wire transfer Aug. 10, 2000 $ 1,110,000.00 wire transfer Sept. 5, 2000 $ 292,200.00 wire transfer Oct. 16, 2000 $ 1,362,500.00 wire transfer Jan. 30, 2001 $ 2,698,800.00 wire transfer April 10, 2001 $ 1,349,400.00 wire transfer May 9, 2001 $ 1,349,400.00 wire transfer May 7, 2002 $ 798,000.00 wire transfer June 26, 2002 $ 167,000.00 wire transfer Oct. 31, 2002 $ 336,934.57 wire transfer April 7, 2003 $ 7,425,000.00 wire transfer July 24, 2003 $ 770,567.00 wire transfer Sept. 3, 2003 $ 335,137.00 wire transfer Nov. 21, 2003 $ 4,800,000.00 wire transfer Dec. 11, 2003 $ 1,637,000.00 wire transfer Dec. 11, 2003 $ 720,000.00 wire transfer TOTAL: $26,483,982.57 All of these wire transfers were sent from Riggs to a Kalunga Company account at Banco Santander in Madrid, Spain These embezzled funds have been laundered at least through the acquisition of properties at various locations in Spain. From a comparison of the dates of purchase of properties by the signatories for the Oil Account at Riggs Bank and by other Equatorial Guinean personalities or citizens within their inner circle, with the dates on which the transfers were made to the account held by Kalunga Company at Banco Santander, it may be inferred that such funds were used to buy the following properties on Spanish territory: 1.- Property registered with the Land Registry of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria number one in the name of TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO (signatory for the Oil Account), President of Equatorial Guinea. Such property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on November 29, 2000, and it is a housing unit with a surface area of 90.87 square meters, located at calle Dolores de la Rocha SN, 4th floor, door C, CP 35001, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on October 16, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section; 2.- Property registered with the Land Registry of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria number one in the name of TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO (signatory for the Oil Account), President of Equatorial Guinea. Such property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on November 29, 2000, and it is a garage with a surface area of 14 square meters located at calle Eufemiano Jurado SN, 2nd floor, CP 35016, Finca Las Labradoras, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on October 16, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 3.- Property registered with Land Registry number two of Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, in the name of MARCELINO OWONO EDU, Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, CONSTANCIA NCHAMA ANGuE. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on October 3, 2003, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 184.25 square meters located at calle Almendros numero 11, CP 28864, Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on September 3, 2003, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 4.- Property registered with Land Registry number 5 of Gijon in the name of TEODORO BIYOGO NSUE, the brother-in-law of President Obiang, ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to Brazil and former ambassador to the United States of America and to the United Nations, and of his wife, ELENA MENSA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on May 15, 2001, and it is a single- family housing unit built on a plot with a surface area of 600 square meters, located in the development area called “Verdesol,” district of Fuejo, council of Gijon. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 5.- Property registered with Land Registry number 3 of Alcala de Henares, Madrid, in the name of PASTOR MICHA ONDO BILE, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophony, and of his wife, MAGDALENA AYANG. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on December 27, 2001, and it is a single-family housing unit with a built-on surface area of 255 square meters located at calle Alfaguara numero 27, planta CHA, door 180, Alcala de Henares. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 6.- Property registered with Land Registry number 4 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of GABRIEL NGUEMA LIMA (signatory for the Oil Account), former Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, the son of President Obiang, and, apparently, the current Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, VIRGINIA ESTHER MAYE MBA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 25, 2002, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 193 square meters located at Avenida Alcalde de Mostoles numero 27, 7th floor, door B. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 7, 2002, as shown in the table included in the preceding section; 7.- Property registered with Land Registry number 4 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of GABRIEL NGUEMA LIMA (signatory for the Oil Account), former Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, the son of President Obiang, and, apparently, the current Deputy Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy, and of his wife, VIRGINIA ESTHER MAYE MBA. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 25, 2002, and it is a garage located at Avenida Alcalde de Mostoles numero 27, basement, door 7. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 7, 2002, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 8.- Property registered with Land Registry number 16 of Madrid in the name of MIGUEL ABIA BITECO, former Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea, and of DOROTEA ANITA ROKA ELOBO, his wife. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on June 8, 2000, and it is a garage lot with a surface area of 32 square meters located at calle Vieja de Pinto numero 14, in the building called “Palomares,” basement, CP 28021, Madrid. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on June 7, 2000, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. 9.- Property registered with Land Registry number 2 of Mostoles, Madrid, in the name of ATANASIO ELA NTUGU, former Minister for Mining, Industry and Energy. This property was acquired, as shown by the deed of purchase and sale, on July 30, 2001, and it is a housing unit with a built-on surface area of 89 square meters located at calle Montecarlo numero 3, left-hand staircase, 3rd floor, door B, Mostoles. The acquisition of this property is contemporaneous with the transfer made on May 9, 2001, as shown in the table included in the preceding section. By resorting to corruption mechanisms, the defendants have unlawfully diverted sums of money from Equatorial Guinea to accounts held at Riggs Bank in the United States of America and have subsequently transferred to Spain a part of such sums, which they have laundered into the legal circuit through the acquisition of certain properties in Spain.
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #2:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #2 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #2:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #3:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #3 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #3:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #4:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #4 – state/province:
Bank name, account name #4:
Jurisdiction of Bank Account #5:
Jurisdiction of Bank of Account #5- state/province:
Case Control Number:
Bank Name, Account Name:
Banco Santander (Madrid)
Manager relationship to Public Official:
Frontman (Had lived in EG and long term acquaintances of Obiang)
Beneficial Owner (BO):
Actual legal form of CV Type per Jurisdiction:
Sociedad Anonima
BO relationship to Public Official:
CV established by: public official, professional intermediary, or frontman:
Que habra sucedido entre Fausto o Tito y kokorev y obiang, cuando el mismo diario de obiang ( madrid code) vende a kokorev de esta manera
Vease esto el gobierno de guinea y fausto pagan reparaciones de un supuesto buque cuyos armadores eran Julia y Vladimir Kokorev , cuando que logica puede indicar que el arrendador paga reparaciones del buque milagro que le brinda servicios. Solo en guinea y en la mente de julioa igor y vladimires cabe esto
Y sera que obatala o chango bendijeron este barco , o que el magnate naviero es un verdadero genio de la mitologia griega, pues levantar 30 ,illones con semejante barcaza en dos anos rompe el libro guiness
Corrieron a quitar todo lo que pusieron tras ver que por ordenes de Igor kokorev el genio familiar, se habian lanzado al abismo
No hay duda el barco era de guinea y julia y vladimir eran simples frentes del testaferato
Ahora el tan menciinado artista en you tube y capitan bien pagado de kokorev , no hace el verano, pues una golondrina no es una tripulacion
Por favor sr. Kokorev maleva dejanos ver la lista de MINIMA TRIPULACION Y COPIA DE SUS LICENCIAS , Esta esta dura para ti y julia
Gracias por aclararnos que lo que recibiste del riggs luego lo repartiate, el barcoera de guinea , al igual que los que tiene tu testafero maius stepanov y svetlana baracieve , segun el mismo relata en correspondencia
Hablate con el abogado del directivo , que lo que debe es estar preparado para el caso fasano en Usa. ,
éstos perritos de jueces se van a cansar y no esperan sacar ni un sólo euro en Guinea ecuatorial. Allá ellos con los kokorev.
Coco pero tio que dices , si este ruso engano a obiang por 20 anos y le robo cuanto pudo con fausto, hombre lo propio ha hecho en Panama , se ha burlado de la justicia , inventando casos que le hanreventado en su cara, y que me dices de los barcos de obiang………ya sabeis si detienes los barcos te metes con obiang , son sus barcos
GEMA tu lo as dicho son sus barcos NO DEL PUEBLO GUINEANO todo lo de guinea es del señor obiang, es impresionante hablais de que le robaron a obiang pero no de lo que obiang robo al pueblo y perdone que le diga pero esta gente no a robado a obiang tu amo es quien los tiene contratados digamoslo asi para sacar el dinero de guinea y que se lo blanquen ahora que los an pillado nadie conoce a nadie pero esta en los papeles, los dos ivan mano a mano manejando el dinero guineano como si fuese propio de ellos.
Asi mismo es , de tal dictador tal resultado, rusos impresentables, mentirosos , ladrones y pusilanimes. Haber si cuentan sus historias del Astillero Asaba y los Aviones abandonados en aeropuerto de Malabo, joder estos tios han adquirido un edificio en america para Obiang, traidores rusos deben ser linchados por el pueblo guineano
Y que dira kokorev y sus dos hijos igor y vladimir , que no era lavado , el hecho de que inventaban comra ventas de barcos y triangulaban la ventas ficticias para vender de una sociedad de ellos a otra de ellos , por lo menos hicieron dos operaciones de 27 millones cada una y otra de 38 millones , ahi tienes tus correos electronicos y tus contratos y los correos donde los pediste y cuando se te enviaron , si eso no es LAVADO , ENTONCES QUE ES VLADIMIR , acuerdate quien tiene tu ordenador y fijate que ya lo corroboramos , preguntale a roberto moreno como te sacara de esta , suerte ha tenido ese que no le a reventado la investigacion caso fasano andando contra el directivo
QUE LOS AHORQUEN y tambien a todos los del gobierno guineano. a si tendremos escusa de festejar por todo lo alto lo acontecido y tambien junto a ellos a zapatero, bono etc… españoles impresentables que estan apoyando al dictador por un plato de arroz
Asi mismo es , de tal dictador tal resultado, rusos impresentables, mentirosos , ladrones y pusilanimes. Haber si cuentan sus historias del Astillero Asaba y los Aviones abandonados en aeropuerto de Malabo, joder estos tios han adquirido un edificio en america para Obiang, traidores rusos deben ser linchados por el pueblo guineano