El abogado panameño Ismael Gerli, quien en un principio comenzó ayudando a la familia Kokorev en su llegada a Panamá para guiarles en las transacciones, a primera vista legales, de sus compañías en este país latinoamericano, progresivamente, debido a su cercana labor, fue dándose cuenta de los extraños giros en las actividades de la familia rusa-española y sobre todo, de su vínculo con el dictador de nuestro país, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Cuando después de una exhaustiva revisión documental e investigación de varias organizaciones de lucha contra la corrupción y el blanqueo de capitales, se pudo concluir la existencia de una extensa maquinaria para desfalcar, promovida desde Guinea Ecuatorial y desarrollada, entre otros, por los testaferros del dictador, lo que concluyó con la extradición de los Kokorev a España y la posterior detención de los cómplices de Teodoro Obiang, Gerli obviamente quiso detener su trabajo con esta familia y entregar toda la información que estaba en su poder producto de su labor profesional.
En la actualidad, medios como MadridCode, realizan grandes esfuerzos intentando limpiar la imagen de los supuestos testaferros de Obiang Nguema y poner gran parte de la culpa sobre el abogado panameño, a quien acusan de haberse apropiado de todos sus bienes y capital una vez que se concretó la demanda. Diario Rombe presentó, tras una larga investigación que incluye documentos originales, otra versión bastante diferente de los hechos mencionados en el centenar de querellas interpuestas contra Gerli.
Como adelantó Diario Rombe en anteriores publicaciones sobre la persecución sin tregua de parte del ex Fiscal panameño del Crimen Organizado, Roberto Moreno, actual abogado de la familia Kokorev contra el panameño Ismael Gerli, hemos tenido acceso a un pago bancario fechado el 19 de enero de 2017 ordenado por la empresa Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., una de las sociedades de la familia Kokorev, para hacer frente a los gastos de mantenimiento de uno de sus apartamentos.
Dicha prueba podría revelar la existencia de una conspiración en marcha para encarcelar al principal testigo de la justicia española y de esta forma mermar la credibilidad del proceso judicial abierto en España contra los Kokorev por blanqueo de capitales. Es que es imposible eludir la importancia de este tipo de documentos, que son la muestra dura y minuciosa de los engranajes vitales de los mecanismos de corrupción de Obiang.
Aportamos de nuevo el reglamento FUNDACIONAL de la sociedad de Interés Privado COCO RIVER FOUNDATION, la cual es dueña del departamento 36B, en el edificio Mystic Point, antiguo domicilio de los Kokorev en Panamá y aún propiedad de los mismos. Con este documento, se demuestra claramente que los beneficiarios establecidos son VLADIMIR KOKOREV y YULIA MALEEVA, en partes iguales, indicándose además que ante el fallecimiento de alguno de ellos, el total de los beneficios recaerá sólo sobre el miembro que le sobreviva, jamás sobre un tercero.
Lo verdaderamente evidente en esta historia es que, el 24 de febrero de 2016, producto de una querella presentada por Roberto Moreno Obando y Leonado Paul Aparicio en su condición de representantes legales de la familia Kokorev, el Ministerio Público inició una investigación por los delitos por los que se le imputa al abogado Ismael Gerli, 11 meses después –sorprendentemente la Ley panameña sólo permite 4 meses de instrucción del sumario- resulta ser que se le imputa ahora de un delito distinto por el cual ha sido investigado.
Los Kokorev no aportan ninguna sola prueba que sustente nada de lo relativo a sus acusaciones, simplemente se limitan a transcribir los elementos de la estafa maquinada por ellos mismos. ¿Cómo se puede solicitar la formulación de cargos de un delito que durante 11 meses no ha sido investigado por la fiscalía? Según el ex Fiscal Roberto Moreno, “tras el ingreso en prisión de la familia Kokorev, Ismael Gerli activó una serie de cambios en las sociedades que lo llevan a controlarlas”, siento estas sociedades, según los querellantes, Rio Lora Holdings Corp S.A. y Coco River Foundation.
Recordamos a los lectores que cada una de estas sociedades son dueñas de inmuebles ubicados en Panamá, siendo una pregunta de vital importancia, ¿quién o quiénes pagan las cuotas de mantenimiento de dichos apartamentos, entre ellos PH Mystic Point, Torre 100 y Trump Ocean Club (TOC) nº 6205 en Panamá?, ¿Ismael Gerli o la familia Kokorev?¿Por qué la Agencia de Instrucción no requiere información a la administración del P.H. Mystic Point Towers a fin de establecer quiénes pagan la cuota de mantenimiento, con el propósito de establecer si existe o ha existido por parte del abogado Ismael Gerli Champsaur la intención de apoderarse de los bienes de la Fundación Coco River y Rio Lora Holdings Corp S.A., ejerciendo para ello actos propios del dueño de las mismas, ya que según los querellantes así ha sido?
Es posible que el principal objetivo de la familia Kokorev sea conseguir que algún juez panameño, quizás bajo la influencia del ex fiscal Moreno, condene al abogado Ismael Gerli a largas penas privativas de libertad para demostrar ante la opinión pública y el Juzgado de Instrucción nº 5 de las Palmas de Gran Canaria que su principal testigo no es fiable.
Lo que sí sabe Roberto Moreno es que “sus ex colegas fallarán a favor de la familia Kokorev y la obligación de pagar varias indemnizaciones millonarias”. En una entrevista concedida por el ex fiscal moreno a MadridCode, éste afirmó que “La justicia panameña está avanzando con objetividad en las investigaciones y esperamos que lleguen a la conclusión de que efectivamente se ha incurrido en actos delictivos, y se tomen las medidas de rigor”, añadiendo que “una vez creadas las sociedades, estando los señores Kokorev en incapacidad de defender sus intereses, Ismael se apropió de sus bienes”.
En las querellas realizadas por los Kokorev, estos solicitan a las autoridades judiciales que “se formulen cargos por los delitos de estafa y falsedad ideológica en la sociedad Coco River Foundation”, abriendo esto un nuevo cuestionamiento: ¿Por qué la Agencia de Instrucción no dictó providencia indagatoria por delito contra la fe pública, en la investigación que realiza durante 11 meses? Los querellantes no se aclaran y parecen estar confundiendo a la Agencia de Instrucción con afirmaciones de un hecho no cierto. Por ejemplo señalan que “Ismael Gerli incurre en el delito de falsedad ideológica cuando inscribe la escritura pública No. 27.362…”, pero las pruebas a las que ha tenido acceso Diario Rombe demuestran que dicha escritura pública, del 30 de septiembre de 2015, no fue inscrita.
Ismael Gerli, titular del 100% de las acciones comunes según consta en los certificados de acciones emitidos a su nombre y en los libros de registros de acciones de la sociedad Rio Lora Holdings Corp, S.A., vendió el 100% de las acciones de la sociedad a la familia Kokorev, representada por su hijo Igor Kokorev, acordando este según lo firmado pagar a Ismael Gerli mediante el traspaso de un bien inmueble – un apartamento localizado en la Playa Las Canteras en las Islas Canarias, Gran Canaria, al momento de la entrega física de los certificados debidamente endosados a favor del comprador.
Según la querella a la que hemos tenido acceso, el ex fiscal Moreno -del cual se ha cuestionado durante mucho tiempo su integridad profesional y moral en Panamá- sostiene que “Ismael Gerli se ha apoderado de los bienes de la familia Kokorev”. En la misma querella se detalla que Gerli “cambió la junta directiva de algunas sociedades para quedarse con los apartamentos ubicados en los edificios PH Trump Plaza, PH Mystic Point de Punta Pacific y otros”. ¿Por qué entonces siguen los Kokorev pagando los gastos de mantenimiento de unos apartamentos que supuestamente estarían en poder de Ismael Gerli de manera ilícita, ¿por qué dimitió Roberto Moreno al frente de la Fiscalía Contra el Crimen Organizado?
Según algunas estadísticas, la justicia panameña ha perdido la credibilidad del pueblo por los elevados casos de jueces, magistrados y fiscales corruptos y la falta de objetividad en sus actividades, sin olvidar el mismo aparato gubernamental que se ha visto involucrado con los casos de entrega de sobornos de parte del conglomerado Odebrecht, perteneciente al área de la ingeniería y la construcción. Por ejemplo, según revela larepublica.pe, “uno de los ejecutivos de la constructora brasileña reveló que los hijos del ex presidente de Panamá, Ricardo Martinelli, recibieron coimas por $6 millones”.
¿Qué se espera de un sistema judicial donde se destapó una red de corrupción de funcionarios que cobraban sumas importantes de dinero, a cambio de -a través de medidas cautelares y fianzas de excarcelación-, poner en libertad a individuos que se encontraban legalmente procesados? Según reveló el medio la Prensa.com en noviembre de 2015, “la Fiscalía Auxiliar detuvo a 13 personas, entre funcionarios del Órgano Judicial y particulares, presuntamente vinculadas a una red que cobraba dinero a cambio de otorgar libertades a personas con procesos penales en el Segundo Tribunal Superior y en juzgados de circuito penal”.
En Mayo de 2014 Telemetro.com informó que “el entonces fiscal de la provincia de Coclé, Roberto Moreno, se refirió a una declaración jurada, notariada con fecha de 21 de mayo de 2014, en la que Edwin Betancourt Aparicio, testigo protegido en el caso del asesinato del ex-gobernador de Coclé, Darío Fernández, aseguró que lo mantenía escondido en varios cuarteles y que recibió chantajes”. Invitamos al lector ver el vídeo y saquen ustedes sus propias conclusiones.
En resumidas cuentas, los querellantes afirman que son los únicos accionistas de la sociedad Rio Lora Holdings Corp S.A., titular del apartamento de Trump y para ello han exhibido ante la Agencia de Instrucción una fotocopia de la acción nº2 que se les entregó, la cual se haría válida y se registraría en los libros de la sociedad siempre y cuando estos hicieran la traditio -entrega- y para ello Igor Kokorev según el contrato de compra-venta, firmado el 23 de febrero de 2013, entre Kokorev e Ismael Gerli, debía pagar o entregar a cambio un apartamento en las Palmas de Gran Canaria, compromiso que nunca cumplieron. Por lo tanto al no cumplir con la entrega, lo normal es que el comprador recupere el bien.
Según fuentes consultadas, nunca se entregó de igual forma el documento original de la acción de Rio Lora Holdings Corp S.A., ni se registró en los libros. En resumidas palabras, Igor Kokorev tenía la acción número 2, una fotocopia que la ley y la jurisprudencia indican claramente que no es admisible como prueba, porque es una mera copia y porque -por ser una acción- debe estar totalmente pagada, ya que Kokorev jamás entregó el apartamento.
Ismael Gerli no tiene la posesión del inmueble que dicen los Kokorev haber comprado por 420.000 dólares, sino que los mismos Kokorev son los que actualmente están en poder de éste, siendo tal situación comprobable a través del hecho que la familia rusa-española se encuentra pagando los mantenimientos del apartamento litigado y hasta la fecha no han cancelado el valor de la acción de Ismael Gerli, el cual es de 122.600 dólares.
Es así, que dentro de esta vorágine de inconsistencias que son los alegatos de los querellantes, cabe establecer la pregunta final. ¿Cómo es posible que los Kokorev estén pagando los gastos de mantenimiento de un apartamento que está en litigio, mientras que a su vez acusan al abogado Ismael Gerli de haberse apropiado del él mediante engaño?
Hernan Batista Jurado, abogado de Jurado Attorneys & Consultants e hijo de María Elena Jurado Domínguez, abogada estrella de Igor Kokorev. Da la casualidad de que el abogado panameño, Hernan Batista Jurado reside «ilegalmente» en el apartamento 6205 del Trump Ocean Club (TOC) nº 6205 propiedad de Rio Lora Holding, cuyo accionista único es el abogado panameño y principal testigo de la justicia española, Ismael Gerli, según ha quedado acreditado por sentencia firme de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá. El hijo de Maria Elena Jurado podría ser el presunto enlace con los abogados que estaría utilizando Igor Kokorev para perseguir judicialmente a Ismael Gerli en los últimos 10 años. |
Equatorial Guinea
Investigation Team
The offenses of which former prosecutor Roberto Moreno is accusing Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli
Diario Rombe on February 2, 2017
What is really evident in this story is that on February 24, 2016, as the result of a complaint filed by Roberto Moreno Obando and Leonardo Paul Aparicio acting as legal representatives of Vladimir Kokorev, the Public Ministry initiated an investigation for the offenses of which lawyer Ismael Gerli was accused, after 11 months have elapsed –which surprisingly Panama law only allows 4 months for the preliminary investigation- he is now being accused of an offence other than the one for which he was investigated.
POSTED ON FEBRUARY 15, 2017, 10:59 PM
Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli, which at the beginning assisted the Kokorev family upon their arrival to Panama by giving them advice on the transactions, which appeared to be lawful, of its companies in this Latin American country, gradually, given the closeness of his work, became aware of the strange turns in the activities of the Russian-Spanish family and mostly, of its involvement with the dictator of our country, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. When after an exhaustive documentary revision and investigation of several organizations fighting against corruption and money laundering, it was concluded the existence of an extensive machinery for embezzlement, promoted from Equatorial Guinea and developed, among others, by the front men of the dictator, which lead to the extradition of the Kokorev to Spain and the subsequent arrest of Teodoro Obiang’s accomplices; Gerli obviously tried to stop working with this family and handed over all the information he had as a result of its professional work.
At present media such as MadridCode are working hard trying to clean the images of Obiang Nguema’s alleged front men and placing a huge part of the blame on the Panama lawyer, who has been accused of appropriating the totality of its property and capital upon the filing of the complaint. Diario Rombe submitted, after an extensive investigation that includes original papers, another version quite different from the facts mentioned in the hundreds of complaints filed against Gerli.
As Diario Rombe advanced in earlier publications on the relentless persecution by Panama former Organized Crime Prosecutor Roberto Moreno current lawyer of the Kokorev family, against Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli, we had access to a bank payment dated January 19, 2017, ordered by the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., one of the companies of the Kokorev family, to cover the maintenance expenses of one of its apartments.
Said proof may evidence the existence of an ongoing conspiracy to incarcerate the main witness of the Spanish justice, and consequently, undermine the credibility of the judicial proceedings brought in Spain against the Kokorev for money laundering. The fact being that it is impossible to evade the importance of this type of documents, which represent a solid and thorough example of the vital gearing of Obiang’s corruption mechanisms.
We are bringing forward again the FOUNDATION regulations of the Private Interest Foundation COCO RIVER FOUNDATION, owner of Apartment 36B of Mystic Point Building, former domicile of the Kokorev in Panama, and still owned by them. With this document it is clearly stated that the beneficiaries established therein are VLADIMIR KOKOREV and YULIA MALEEVA, in equal parts, indicating further that in the event of demise of any of them the totality of benefits shall only go to the surviving member, never to a third party.
What is really evident in this story is that on February 24, 2016, as the result of a complaint filed by Roberto Moreno Obando and Leonardo Paul Aparicio acting as legal representatives of Vladimir Kokorev, the Public Ministry initiated an investigation for the offenses of which lawyer Ismael Gerli was accused, after 11 months have elapsed –which surprisingly Panama law only allows 4 months for the preliminary investigation- he is now being accused of an offence other than the one for which he was investigated.
The Kokorev have not produced any single evidence to support anything regarding such accusations, they simply limit themselves to transcribe the elements of a swindle orchestrated by them. How could a request be made for charges to be brought for a crime which has not been investigated by the prosecutor’s office for over 11 months? According to former Prosecutor Roberto Moreno, “after the Kokorev family was imprisoned, Ismael Gerli carried out a series of changes in the companies aimed to gain control of them”, being those companies, in accordance to the plaintiffs, Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. and Coco River Foundation.
We must remind our readers that each of these companies is the owner of real estate property located in Panama, being a question of vital importance, who is or are paying for the maintenance quotas for such apartments, among them, PH Mystic Point, 100 Tower and Trump Ocean Club (TOC) Nº 6205 in Panama? Is it Ismael Gerli or the Kokorev family? Why is the Investigation Agency not requiring any information from the administration of P.H. Mystic Point in order to establish who is or are paying the maintenance quota, with the purpose of establishing whether there is or has been on the part of lawyer Ismael Gerli Champsaur any attempt to appropriate the properties of Coco River Foundation and Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. therefore exercising acts corresponding to the owner thereof as the plaintiffs allege has been done?
It is possible that the main objective of the Kokorev family is to obtain from a Panama judge, probably under the influence of former prosecutor Moreno, a conviction for lawyer Ismael Gerli for a long term imprisonment to show the public opinion and Investigation Court Nº 5 of the Gran Canaria that its main witness is not reliable.
What Roberto Moreno does know is that “his former colleagues will decide in favor of the Kokorev family and the obligation to pay several million indemnifications”. In an interview granted by former prosecutor Moreno to MadridCode he affirmed that “Panama justice is advancing with objectivity in the investigations and we expect they will reach a conclusion that criminal acts have been effectively committed and take rigorous measures”, adding that “once the companies were organized, while Messrs. Kokorev were not capable of defending their interests, Ismael appropriated their properties”.
In the complaints filed by the Kokorev, they request the judicial authorities to “bring charges for the criminal offense of swindle and ideological falsehood in the company Coco River Foundation”, thus opening a new questioning: Why the Investigation Agency did not issue an arraignment hearing for the offense against public trust in the investigation carried out during 11 months? The plaintiffs do not come clear and appear to be confusing the Investigation Agency with affirmations of a fact not true. For example, they establish that “Ismael Gerli incurs in the offense of ideological falsehood when he registers Public Deed Nº 27.362…”, but the evidence that Diario Rombe has had access to show that said public deed of September 30, 2015 was not registered.
Ismael Gerli, holder of 100% of the common shares as evidenced by the share certificates issued in his name and in the registry of shares of the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., sold the 100% of the shares of the company to the Kokorev family, represented by its son Igor Kokorev, under the agreement by the latter signed to pay to Ismael Gerli through the transfer of a real estate – an apartment located in Playa Las Canteras in the Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, at the time of the physical delivery of the certificates duly endorsed in favor of the buyer.
Panama, August 17, 2012
(Signed) (Signed)
President Secretary
Jorge Salcedo – Director
I, RICARDO A. LANDERO M., Tenth Notary Public
of the Circuit of Panama, with Identity Card No. 4-103-2337
C E R T I F Y:
that the above signature(s) has(have) been acknowledged
by the signatories as his/her/their signature(s), consequently,
said signature(s) is (are) true.
Panama, August 17, 2012
(Sgd.) Witness (Sgd.) Witness
Tenth Notary Public
Seal of the Tenth Notary of the Circuit – Republic of Panama
According to the complaint we had access to, former prosecutor Moreno –whose professional and moral integrity have been questioned for a long time in Panama- affirms that “Ismael Gerli has appropriated the properties of the Kokorev family”. In the same complaint it is detailed that Gerli “changed the board of directors of some companies in order to keep for himself the apartments located in the buildings PH Trump Plaza, PH Mystic Point in Punta Pacifica and others”. Then why is it that the Kokorev are paying the maintenance expenses of some apartments that allegedly would be unlawfully held by Ismael Gerli? Why did Roberto Moreno resign from the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office?
According to some statistics, Panama justice has lost the credibility of its people due to the high number of corrupt judges, magistrates and prosecutors and the lack of objectivity in its activities, without omitting the whole government apparatus which has been involved in cases of bribery from the Odebrecht consortium, associated with the field of engineering and construction. For example, as disclosed by larepublica.pe, “one of the executive officers of the Brazilian construction company disclosed that the sons of former president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, received grafts for $6 million”.
What may be expected from a judicial system in which a corruption network of officials that were collecting substantial amounts of money in exchange of –through precautionary measures and bails- releasing individuals which had been legally prosecuted? As disclosed by laPrensa.com in November 2015, “the Assistant Prosecutor’s office arrested 13 individuals, among officials of the Judicial Body and civilians, allegedly involved in a network that collected money in exchange of releasing individuals having criminal prosecutions at the Second Superior Court and in criminal circuit courts”.
In May 2014 Telemetro.com informed that “the prosecutor of the Province of Cocle at the time, Roberto Moreno, referred to a sworn statement, certified by a notary dated May 21, 2014, whereby Edwin Betancourt Aparicio, protected witness in the case of the murder of former Cocle Governor, Dario Fernandez, stated that he was maintained hidden in different quarters and had received blackmails”. We invite the reader to watch the video and reach your own conclusions.
In summary, the plaintiffs affirmed that they are the sole shareholders of the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., holder of the Trump apartment and to that end they have produced before the Investigation Agency a photocopy of share certificate Nº 2 that was delivered to them, which will become valid and be registered in the books of the company, provided they make the traditional –delivery- and therefore Igor Kokorev in accordance with the purchase-sale contract signed on February 23, 2013 between Kokorev and Ismael Gerli, should pay or deliver in exchange an apartment in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a commitment they never fulfilled. Consequently given that the delivery was not complied with, it would be normal for the buyer to recover the property.
According to sources consulted, the original document of the share certificate of Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. was never delivered nor was it registered in the books. Summarizing, Igor Kokorev had share certificate Nº 2, a photocopy that the law and the jurisprudence clearly indicate is not admissible as evidence, given that it is a simple copy and because –being it a share of stock- should be fully paid, since Kokorev never delivered the apartment.
Ismael Gerli does not have in its possession the real estate that the Kokorev alleged they bought for 420.000 dollars, but the Kokorev which are the ones having it in their possession, such situation may be proved by the fact that the Russian-Spanish family is paying the maintenance expenses of the apartment under litigation, and as of this date they have not cancelled the value of the share of stock of Ismael Gerli, in the amount of 122.600 dollars.
The Prosecutor Roberto Moreno, David Mendoza, Leonardo Paul and Alexis Medina have threatened me that if I ever retract myself then they will make the full force of the law fall on me. And he has threatened me that the two escapes allegedly made by me will be made public so I would be condemned and even though they knew that there were no such escapes, given that it was a call for attention so they will present themselves and show their face given that they are the ones that involved me in this problem. I also want to state that I want all of this presented in the communication media in a press conference, given that all those prosecutors must be unmasked since the wife of the governor, Alma de Fernandez, on the day the trial ended she was distributing money to all the prosecutors and the secretary, and I demand that this be…
So being the way things are within this vortex of inconsistencies as the plaintiffs are, a final question must be made. How is it possible that the Kokorev are paying the maintenance expenses of an apartment under litigation, while they at the same time accuse lawyer Ismael Gerli of having appropriated it through deceit?
Equatorial Guinea
Investigation Team
The offenses of which former prosecutor Roberto Moreno is accusing Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli
Diario Rombe on February 2, 2017
What is really evident in this story is that on February 24, 2016, as the result of a complaint filed by Roberto Moreno Obando and Leonardo Paul Aparicio acting as legal representatives of Vladimir Kokorev, the Public Ministry initiated an investigation for the offenses of which lawyer Ismael Gerli was accused, after 11 months have elapsed –which surprisingly Panama law only allows 4 months for the preliminary investigation- he is now being accused of an offence other than the one for which he was investigated.
POSTED ON FEBRUARY 15, 2017, 10:59 PM
Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli, which at the beginning assisted the Kokorev family upon their arrival to Panama by giving them advice on the transactions, which appeared to be lawful, of its companies in this Latin American country, gradually, given the closeness of his work, became aware of the strange turns in the activities of the Russian-Spanish family and mostly, of its involvement with the dictator of our country, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. When after an exhaustive documentary revision and investigation of several organizations fighting against corruption and money laundering, it was concluded the existence of an extensive machinery for embezzlement, promoted from Equatorial Guinea and developed, among others, by the front men of the dictator, which lead to the extradition of the Kokorev to Spain and the subsequent arrest of Teodoro Obiang’s accomplices; Gerli obviously tried to stop working with this family and handed over all the information he had as a result of its professional work.
At present media such as MadridCode are working hard trying to clean the images of Obiang Nguema’s alleged front men and placing a huge part of the blame on the Panama lawyer, who has been accused of appropriating the totality of its property and capital upon the filing of the complaint. Diario Rombe submitted, after an extensive investigation that includes original papers, another version quite different from the facts mentioned in the hundreds of complaints filed against Gerli.
As Diario Rombe advanced in earlier publications on the relentless persecution by Panama former Organized Crime Prosecutor Roberto Moreno current lawyer of the Kokorev family, against Panama lawyer Ismael Gerli, we had access to a bank payment dated January 19, 2017, ordered by the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., one of the companies of the Kokorev family, to cover the maintenance expenses of one of its apartments.
Said proof may evidence the existence of an ongoing conspiracy to incarcerate the main witness of the Spanish justice, and consequently, undermine the credibility of the judicial proceedings brought in Spain against the Kokorev for money laundering. The fact being that it is impossible to evade the importance of this type of documents, which represent a solid and thorough example of the vital gearing of Obiang’s corruption mechanisms.
We are bringing forward again the FOUNDATION regulations of the Private Interest Foundation COCO RIVER FOUNDATION, owner of Apartment 36B of Mystic Point Building, former domicile of the Kokorev in Panama, and still owned by them. With this document it is clearly stated that the beneficiaries established therein are VLADIMIR KOKOREV and YULIA MALEEVA, in equal parts, indicating further that in the event of demise of any of them the totality of benefits shall only go to the surviving member, never to a third party.
What is really evident in this story is that on February 24, 2016, as the result of a complaint filed by Roberto Moreno Obando and Leonardo Paul Aparicio acting as legal representatives of Vladimir Kokorev, the Public Ministry initiated an investigation for the offenses of which lawyer Ismael Gerli was accused, after 11 months have elapsed –which surprisingly Panama law only allows 4 months for the preliminary investigation- he is now being accused of an offence other than the one for which he was investigated.
The Kokorev have not produced any single evidence to support anything regarding such accusations, they simply limit themselves to transcribe the elements of a swindle orchestrated by them. How could a request be made for charges to be brought for a crime which has not been investigated by the prosecutor’s office for over 11 months? According to former Prosecutor Roberto Moreno, “after the Kokorev family was imprisoned, Ismael Gerli carried out a series of changes in the companies aimed to gain control of them”, being those companies, in accordance to the plaintiffs, Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. and Coco River Foundation.
We must remind our readers that each of these companies is the owner of real estate property located in Panama, being a question of vital importance, who is or are paying for the maintenance quotas for such apartments, among them, PH Mystic Point, 100 Tower and Trump Ocean Club (TOC) Nº 6205 in Panama? Is it Ismael Gerli or the Kokorev family? Why is the Investigation Agency not requiring any information from the administration of P.H. Mystic Point in order to establish who is or are paying the maintenance quota, with the purpose of establishing whether there is or has been on the part of lawyer Ismael Gerli Champsaur any attempt to appropriate the properties of Coco River Foundation and Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. therefore exercising acts corresponding to the owner thereof as the plaintiffs allege has been done?
It is possible that the main objective of the Kokorev family is to obtain from a Panama judge, probably under the influence of former prosecutor Moreno, a conviction for lawyer Ismael Gerli for a long term imprisonment to show the public opinion and Investigation Court Nº 5 of the Gran Canaria that its main witness is not reliable.
What Roberto Moreno does know is that “his former colleagues will decide in favor of the Kokorev family and the obligation to pay several million indemnifications”. In an interview granted by former prosecutor Moreno to MadridCode he affirmed that “Panama justice is advancing with objectivity in the investigations and we expect they will reach a conclusion that criminal acts have been effectively committed and take rigorous measures”, adding that “once the companies were organized, while Messrs. Kokorev were not capable of defending their interests, Ismael appropriated their properties”.
In the complaints filed by the Kokorev, they request the judicial authorities to “bring charges for the criminal offense of swindle and ideological falsehood in the company Coco River Foundation”, thus opening a new questioning: Why the Investigation Agency did not issue an arraignment hearing for the offense against public trust in the investigation carried out during 11 months? The plaintiffs do not come clear and appear to be confusing the Investigation Agency with affirmations of a fact not true. For example, they establish that “Ismael Gerli incurs in the offense of ideological falsehood when he registers Public Deed Nº 27.362…”, but the evidence that Diario Rombe has had access to show that said public deed of September 30, 2015 was not registered.
Ismael Gerli, holder of 100% of the common shares as evidenced by the share certificates issued in his name and in the registry of shares of the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., sold the 100% of the shares of the company to the Kokorev family, represented by its son Igor Kokorev, under the agreement by the latter signed to pay to Ismael Gerli through the transfer of a real estate – an apartment located in Playa Las Canteras in the Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, at the time of the physical delivery of the certificates duly endorsed in favor of the buyer.
Panama, August 17, 2012
(Signed) (Signed)
President Secretary
Jorge Salcedo – Director
I, RICARDO A. LANDERO M., Tenth Notary Public
of the Circuit of Panama, with Identity Card No. 4-103-2337
C E R T I F Y:
that the above signature(s) has(have) been acknowledged
by the signatories as his/her/their signature(s), consequently,
said signature(s) is (are) true.
Panama, August 17, 2012
(Sgd.) Witness (Sgd.) Witness
Tenth Notary Public
Seal of the Tenth Notary of the Circuit – Republic of Panama
According to the complaint we had access to, former prosecutor Moreno –whose professional and moral integrity have been questioned for a long time in Panama- affirms that “Ismael Gerli has appropriated the properties of the Kokorev family”. In the same complaint it is detailed that Gerli “changed the board of directors of some companies in order to keep for himself the apartments located in the buildings PH Trump Plaza, PH Mystic Point in Punta Pacifica and others”. Then why is it that the Kokorev are paying the maintenance expenses of some apartments that allegedly would be unlawfully held by Ismael Gerli? Why did Roberto Moreno resign from the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office?
According to some statistics, Panama justice has lost the credibility of its people due to the high number of corrupt judges, magistrates and prosecutors and the lack of objectivity in its activities, without omitting the whole government apparatus which has been involved in cases of bribery from the Odebrecht consortium, associated with the field of engineering and construction. For example, as disclosed by larepublica.pe, “one of the executive officers of the Brazilian construction company disclosed that the sons of former president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, received grafts for $6 million”.
What may be expected from a judicial system in which a corruption network of officials that were collecting substantial amounts of money in exchange of –through precautionary measures and bails- releasing individuals which had been legally prosecuted? As disclosed by laPrensa.com in November 2015, “the Assistant Prosecutor’s office arrested 13 individuals, among officials of the Judicial Body and civilians, allegedly involved in a network that collected money in exchange of releasing individuals having criminal prosecutions at the Second Superior Court and in criminal circuit courts”.
In May 2014 Telemetro.com informed that “the prosecutor of the Province of Cocle at the time, Roberto Moreno, referred to a sworn statement, certified by a notary dated May 21, 2014, whereby Edwin Betancourt Aparicio, protected witness in the case of the murder of former Cocle Governor, Dario Fernandez, stated that he was maintained hidden in different quarters and had received blackmails”. We invite the reader to watch the video and reach your own conclusions.
In summary, the plaintiffs affirmed that they are the sole shareholders of the company Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A., holder of the Trump apartment and to that end they have produced before the Investigation Agency a photocopy of share certificate Nº 2 that was delivered to them, which will become valid and be registered in the books of the company, provided they make the traditional –delivery- and therefore Igor Kokorev in accordance with the purchase-sale contract signed on February 23, 2013 between Kokorev and Ismael Gerli, should pay or deliver in exchange an apartment in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a commitment they never fulfilled. Consequently given that the delivery was not complied with, it would be normal for the buyer to recover the property.
According to sources consulted, the original document of the share certificate of Rio Lora Holdings Corp. S.A. was never delivered nor was it registered in the books. Summarizing, Igor Kokorev had share certificate Nº 2, a photocopy that the law and the jurisprudence clearly indicate is not admissible as evidence, given that it is a simple copy and because –being it a share of stock- should be fully paid, since Kokorev never delivered the apartment.
Ismael Gerli does not have in its possession the real estate that the Kokorev alleged they bought for 420.000 dollars, but the Kokorev which are the ones having it in their possession, such situation may be proved by the fact that the Russian-Spanish family is paying the maintenance expenses of the apartment under litigation, and as of this date they have not cancelled the value of the share of stock of Ismael Gerli, in the amount of 122.600 dollars.
The Prosecutor Roberto Moreno, David Mendoza, Leonardo Paul and Alexis Medina have threatened me that if I ever retract myself then they will make the full force of the law fall on me. And he has threatened me that the two escapes allegedly made by me will be made public so I would be condemned and even though they knew that there were no such escapes, given that it was a call for attention so they will present themselves and show their face given that they are the ones that involved me in this problem. I also want to state that I want all of this presented in the communication media in a press conference, given that all those prosecutors must be unmasked since the wife of the governor, Alma de Fernandez, on the day the trial ended she was distributing money to all the prosecutors and the secretary, and I demand that this be…
So being the way things are within this vortex of inconsistencies as the plaintiffs are, a final question must be made. How is it possible that the Kokorev are paying the maintenance expenses of an apartment under litigation, while they at the same time accuse lawyer Ismael Gerli of having appropriated it through deceit?